Being a Mentor is the Perfect Volunteer Opportunity for Big Sister Paula

1. Why did you want to become a Big?

I love being with my nieces, seeing them grow has been my life’s greatest joy.  They live in different provinces and I was missing having children and youth in my life.  I also wanted to give back to my community, particularly to women and girls, and the Big Sisters program seemed like the perfect volunteer opportunity for me.

2. Tell me about your match. What do you do together? 

Our match is quite new, but we’ve already done so much together and have celebrated some pretty significant milestones.  We enjoy going to the library, choosing recipes, and then cooking them together.  We sometimes go for bubble tea and play games at the café.  We’ve seen three great movies in the movie theatre, and have watched a few at home together as well. We also enjoy spending time by the water or going on hikes.

3. What is your favourite thing about your Little?

I appreciate how kind and thoughtful she is.  For example, if she buys a snack, she offers me the first bite. 

4. What have been some of the biggest lessons you’ve learned about yourselves in your match?

That baking is a science!  I cook intuitively, but you need the correct ingredients and the correct measurements when baking.  There were two major baking fails lol!

5. What is your favourite memory together?

I took my Little Sister to Lynn Canyon and she raced back and forth on the suspension bridge while I videotaped it. We took some awesome shots of her jumping on the bridge!

6. Why should people volunteer for Big Sisters?

Volunteering for Big Sisters is an opportunity to make a significant impact on a young person’s life and it is always is the highlight of my week.  We are creating memories together that will be remembered and cherished far into the future.

7. What impact does a donation to Big Sisters have on your community?

We recently won tickets donated by the Goh Ballet.  It was a first-time experience for both us and will be a lasting memory we share together.