Five Easy Ways to Support Big Yoga for Big Sisters this Week

With just a few sleeps until the big day, here are five last minute fundraising ideas to help you Nama’Slay at Big Yoga for Big Sisters North Vancouver! These little tips can make a big difference!

1 – Share Your Story.

Sure, you love yoga! But why else are you participating? Share why helping young girls reach their full potential matters to you. Find stats on how Big Sisters of BC Lower Mainland helps transform girls lives here and sample social media posts here.

2 – Dolla Dolla Bills Y’all! Take Your Pledge Form Everywhere You Go.

If you run into someone you know, tell people how excited you are for this Saturday’s event and let them know every dollar matters. Loonies, Toonies, Twenties… whatever they have in their wallet… you’ll take.

3- Bag of 5’s.

Walk around the office with a bag and collect $5 bills from your co-workers. Ask them to write their name on the bill that they drop into the bag. The person who wins gets half the $$$ and the other half goes to your goal!

4- Make a Trade. Adoration for an Extra Donation.

Email or text your friends and family and offer a last minute trade. For example, for every donation of $XX you will make them a batch of lemonade popsicles, walk them and their dog, write them a haiku… whatever skills you can offer up that sends a special message their way, while hyping last minute donations to you.

5- Share your Mat with a Friend.

Have friends new to yoga, already booked for part of the day, or on the fence about attending? Introduce them to the event by inviting them to join you for one class. They can pay an on-site donation of $30.