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We enable life changing mentoring relationships to ignite the power and potential in girls, non-binary, transgender and gender-diverse youth.

Personal Reference Form

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Personal Reference Form
Reference provided for:*
Reference provided by:*

Big Sisters is an organization that enrolls volunteer mentors to provide healthy role models to children and youth in our community. Volunteer mentors must provide a stable, positive influence over the period of their volunteer commitment. Many of the resilient children and youth in our programs have experienced challenges in their lives; relying on the consistent presence of a mentor makes a difference in their lives. Likewise, ending this important relationship sooner than expected can have a detrimental effect on the young person. Help us Start Something for our community’s youth by providing a reference that, to the best of your knowledge, is an honest reflection of the applicant and their ability to be a positive influence in the life of a child.

Your responses will remain confidential. Thank you.

Please note: This reference check is required so that we may continue with the application process. Please submit this completed reference check to Big Sisters within 3 business days to

Do not close this browser window to ensure your work is not lost. You may want to save your long answers in a word/text document as you go along, just to be safe.

Did you know the applicant was applying to become a mentor?*
Can the applicant be counted on to follow through on the commitments they undertake?*
Have you ever known the applicant to be inappropriate (emotionally, physically, verbally, sexually) with either adults or children?*
To your knowledge, has the applicant ever had any trouble following rules?*
Is there anything that you are aware of that may interfere with the applicant’s ability to mentor or that would cause their commitment to our organization to come to an end?*
Has the applicant experienced an addiction, health or emotional concern that may impact their ability to participate actively in a match?*
Would anything need to change in the applicant's home environment to be suitable for a child's visit?*
Would you allow the applicant to develop a one-to-one relationship with your child or a child you care about?*
Would you recommend the applicant as a mentor for a child or youth?*

By typing my name in the line below I am certifying that all of the information I have provided in this reference form is accurate and true to the best of my knowledge.