All staff and volunteers of Big Sisters of BC Lower Mainland are required to abide by this Confidentiality Policy. Any breach of this policy will be considered grounds for termination.
Agency Service Delivery Staff will explain the confidential nature of our service to the volunteer, child and parent/guardian as early as possible in the orientation and/or screening process. At all times thereafter agency Service Delivery Staff will ensure the privacy of case information.
Information contained in the casework files will not be disclosed by the Agency without written approval of said person except in the following cases:
where the safety of a child depends upon divulging this information. This could include suspicion of neglect or abuse of a child. The proper authorities will be informed when necessary. This could result in the disclosure of confidential information without written consent from the person to Big Brothers Big Sisters of Canada’s insurers and/or legal counsel, as may be appropriate in connection with any legal proceeding or inquiry;
when subpoenaed by the courts;
where required by law;
during periodic agency accreditation reviews, case records, including relevant personal information, will be shared to authorized representatives of Big Brothers Big Sisters of Canada.
In the event that confidential information is requested to support a custody or access application, or for any court matter other than a “child protection” case, the Agency will only release the information if required to do so by a Judge’s Order.
In keeping with privacy laws, we require that volunteers do not share personal information about any mentees, their families, volunteers, and donors with anyone but Big Sisters staff and Board of Directors.
No staff member or volunteer shall use confidential information from the Agency to advance any personal interest, financial or otherwise.
In accordance with Big Brothers Big Sisters of Canada’s National Standards:
No information will be provided to persons or organizations outside of Big Brothers Big Sisters of Canada and its agents about parents, children or volunteers without their express prior written consent except where required by law.
All information and records, including electronic records, shall be kept secure (for example, in a filing cabinet, desk, etc under lock and key, password protected, etc.) and confidential at all times.
Case records will only be accessible to the Caseworker, Casework Team Lead, Program Manager and Executive Director and, in appropriate situations, other Caseworkers.
Big Sisters of BC Lower Mainland does not release the last names of mentees to the media or general public. Therefore Big Sisters asks that volunteers also not release the last names of any Agency mentees to anyone.
Not withstanding, If anyone has reason to believe that a child has been, or is likely to be abused, neglected, or in need of protection, they are legally required to report to a child protection to a social worker. The phone number to make reports is: 1-800-663-9122. Confidentiality must be breached when a child discloses to you that she has been abused, is planning to hurt herself, or is planning to hurt somebody else.